
Class is doing a warm-up about the effects of cloning and ways it can be done


Student: Woah!!! What if ______(student's name) clones herself?? I would just have to commit suicide because then, not only would I be hearing her talk all the time, but I'd be hearing duplicates of her talking!

Class bursts out with laughter.

Asian Inductions?

Economics class lecture...

Teacher: Induction. It's going from facts to theory. Can anyone give me an example of induction?
[Student #1 raises hand]

Student #1: You get all straight A's throughout high school. Therefore, you must be Asian.
(class laughs)

Teacher: Okay... yes, can anyone give me another example of induction?
[Student #2 raises hand]

Student #2: You were born in China. Therefore you must be a communist.
(class laughs)

Teacher: [pauses for a second to think] Can anyone give me an example of induction... WITHOUT any Asians?
(class laughter)

Giving Birth

AP Bio class is discussing the last few days before the AP test.

Teacher: Taking AP Bio is like giving birth! It hurts when you're doing it, but you're happy you did it when you look back!

Student 1: (points out) Yeah, but none of us are taking pain killers.

The class mumbles in agreement.

Teacher: Oh yeah...

Student 2: Keep pushing!

Dont! Stop!

Boy pokes Girl on the side.

Girl: Ahh! Don't! Stop!

Boy: Don't stop? Okay!

Boy pokes Girl some more.

One for All

Teacher: So how many seniors are on this room?

One student raises his hand, then awkwardly looks around him.

Student: Oh, you got to be kidding me...