Sexy Term

Teacher: There's a term to describe this big idea. Does anyone know the term?

Class: ... ?
Teacher: It's a sexy term.
Class: ...... o.O
Teacher: Yeah, it's intelligently attractive. It's like...Whoa! That's amazing!
Class: .......... xD
Teacher: Anyone know?

Teacher writes something down on the white board.

Teacher: Columbian Exchange! That's the sexy term...Columbian Exchange...Yeah...
Boy: How is that sexy? o.O

Unscented Chocolate

Teacher writes on the whiteboard.

Teacher: Does this marker smell like something? -hands marker to Girl 1-
Girl 1: No, it doesnt...
Teacher: I could swear it smells like chocolate.
Girl 2: -looks at marker label- No, it doesn't.
Teacher: Really??
Boy: Doesn't your nose burn or something?

Teacher turns back to board writing.

Teacher: -mumbles to himself quietly- I could've sworn...