
Class discussion about Sarah Palin after election...

Teacher: Palin just didn't understand her leadership roles if she became Vice President... that's it.

Student: It's because she's a WOMAN, right?

Teacher: (points back at student and nods head enthusiastically as if student had won a million dollars) YES! YES! That's EXACTLY why!!!!!!!!

Powerpoint and Wife

Powerpoint randomly shuts off in the middle of a lecture in class...

Student 1: What the...?

Student 2: Uh-oh...

Teacher: That's ok. -Clicks powerpoint on- It does what I tell it to do. Just like my wife.

Prop 2: Farm Animals

*class discussion about Propositions*

Teacher: I love animals
Class: ...
Teacher: I think they're delicious!

Get Some English Lessons Man

In World History, playing out the Three Estates Game

Student 1 (to King): Discommunicate him! Discommunicate him! Discommunacate him! [in reference to a traitor]
Teacher whispers: Hey student's name, it's EXcommunicate.

Later, during a third estate's revolt against the King

Student 1 (same student as above): King, you put unguilty people in jail!
Several students and teacher: INNOCENT people!
Teacher: Yeah student's name, learn some English.

after lesson for the day was complete

Teacher: Okay you guys, just read or do something quietly for the rest of the period.
Boy begins talking to his friends.
Teacher: Boy's name, either stare at the wall or read! No third option.

Oh Canada...

the day after the results of the Presidential Election were announced

Boy: Obama won!
Girl: (disappointed look) I know... Canada here I come!

After the Bell Game Assembly...

Teacher: So I'm really confused about the assembly
Students: Ok what didn't you get?
Teacher: Who were those two guys?
Students: What?? You've never heard of Mario and Luigi and SuperMario Brothers???
Teacher: No who are they?
Student 1: (whispering to student 2) wow that's what we're going to be like in 50 years.

'great' way to get the bell

Teacher: "...this year we need to win the bell game. Look at the seniors, throughout their whole high school experience, we haven't won it once..."

Student: "Why don't we just buy a bell?"

Student adventures

The bell rings and the morning announcements begin as student #1 and student #2 enter the class together.

Teacher: "You're late, get a tardy slip."

Students leave the classroom to get tardy slips. (5 minutes later) Student #1 comes in.

Teacher: "Where's student #2?"

Student #1: Mumbling
"I don't know.."

(30 seconds later) Student #2 enters classroom with bell game tickets in one hand and tardy slip in another.

Teacher: astonished
"You got tickets!"

Student #2: "Well, it was on the way..."

Class laughter

Prop 4

Government Class just finished the "school" voting during 3rd period. Now students want to vote on some more important issues...

Male Student 1: Mr. (Teacher)! Can we now vote on Prop 4? See what our class would say about it?

Male Student 2: What is Prop 4 about?

Male Student 1: Ahh... it's about abortion- whether it should be mandatory that parents know their daughters would be getting one...

Female Student: (points at Male Student 1) Hey! It shouldn't interest you, since you won't ever be pregnant!

Teacher: YOU NEVER KNOW! It happened on Oprah!

Student: Mr. (Teacher), it was a trans gender...

Teacher: THAT'S TRUE! But still! You never know what could happen...

Class laughter

No Comment

Teacher: "So, my brother lives across the street by the field..."

Student: "Oh, I bet he does..."

Oh yeah?

On Halloween, the teacher is dressed up as an Egyptian queen and is trying to get the class to settle down

Teacher: Hey, you guys! You must listen to me for I am the queen of Egypt and this is my land.

Student: Oh yeah? Well, I'm ___________.

Anticipated silence

Teacher: Nice one.