Brain Matter

Girl: Why do you have that bandage covering your nose?

Boy #1: I had a sinus surgery.

Boy #2: So the bandage keeps thing out so it doesn't get an infection.

Boy #1: It doesn't let anything out either.

Boy #2 joking: Yeah, so things like brain matter doesn't come spilling out.

Girl: Really?!

Boys crack up

Would you like a hearing aide?

In English class, discussing "Oedipus."

Teacher: So, any questions?
Girl 1: Was Oedipus just venting his anger right then?
Teacher: What?
Girl 1: Venting.
Teacher: *cups hands around ear.* What!?
Girl 1: Venting!
Teacher: God, I wish I could hear.
Girl 2 sitting nearer to teacher: VENTING!
Teacher: I heard her!
Girl 2: *timidly* Okay... *averts eyes*

Secret Asian Man

Two guys standing in front of the 400 building after school, waiting to be picked up.

*guy 1 starts singing. guy 2 follows suit.*
Guy 1: Somewhere over the ocean. Somewhere over the sea.
Guy 2: Somewhere waiting for me.
Guy 1 and 2 in unison: Secret Asian Man, Secret Asian Maaan

Mock Trial Fun

The Mock Trial attorneys are deciding who they are preparing their direct examinations on

Person 1: "Hey, who are you doing?"

Person 2 starts laughing

Person 2: "Believe me, I'm not DOING anyone." - clears throat - "But yeah, I'm directing him."

Person 1 gets the joke and starts laughing as well

Person 3: "NO! I'M DOING HIM!!!"

New Seating Chart

Students have been given a new seating chart and are getting to know their neighbors

Student 1: "Hey, what history are you in?"

Student 2: "We're in the same class!"

Student 1: -confused- "Is this some kind of joke?"

Student 2: "No, I'm serious!"


In P.E learning the rules of tag football

Teacher: And don't put your flag belt in front of your whatever whatever because you don't want to be touched in weird places.

Awkward silence

Physically, eh?

Government class talking about how family contributes to life...

Teacher: Are any of you closer to one of your parents?

Student #1: Yeah.

Student #2: Well it depends...

Student #3: Oh, definitely.

Student #4: Well physically, yeah.

Class: WHAT?!

Horrible Day.

Student 1 joins group of friends exhausted. As Student 1 takes a seat, the 5th period bell rings

Student 1: Omg! Whatever, I'm staying right here. I've had such a bad day. I woke up half an hour late this morning, had two major assignments due today, I had to print my English essay today in class b/c it's due today, I missed some things in Chem because I had to print my English essay, and I have a test next period.
Student 2: That really sucks.
Student 1: I don't even want to know what's going to be for dinner.

Hoow Du Yoo Spel Dat?

In Biology class, presenting organelle projects

Student 1: The nucleus is made up of RNA and proteins.
Student 2: How do you spell RNA?
Student 3: Uhm. R-N-A?

History class or nap time?

Teacher: Class what are your opinions on what we read in the text book?

Class: ...........................

Teacher: Great opinions.


Teacher: Now class, who was the son of Edward the fifth?

Student: Edward the sixth?

R-E-S-P-E-C-T the F-R-E-S-H-M-E-N

In P.E doing circuit training

Student 1: Ew. I don't want to run with the freshmen. We're so much cooler. They're disgusting.
Student 2 (normally always quiet): Dude, shut up, you're like shorter than all the freshmen.

Teacher pats Student 2 on the back

Teacher: I didn't know you could talk!


Students are in Spanish class.

Student: Mr._______, can I go to the bathroom?

Teacher: Yes, but you have to ask that question in Spanish since we're in Spanish class.

Student: Okay, ¿Vamos al baƱo? (means, "Let's go to the bathroom" or "Can you and I go to the bathroom?").

Teacher: umm well, I'm not going with you...

Class starts cracking up

Student: wait, what?

C'mon People! Use Those God-Given Ears!

In the library, checking out a book

Student Aid: Ok, do you have your ID card number?
Student: No, but I have my number.