Martin Skywalker

Teacher: In the Peasant's Revolt during the Reformation, which side do you think Martin Luther joined?

Student: The Dark Side?

"We're all gonna die someday anyway"

Class discussion about death penalty...

Student 1: In that case then, isn't capital punishment considered cruel and unusual?

Student 2: No! It's not UNUSUAL, ok? We're all gonna die someday anyway! So it's legal!

Mythical Meals

bell signaling beginning of lunch rings. Students get up to leave.

Teacher: Not so fast. I wasn't done talking.
Student: Come on! We're gonna be late for lunch.
Teacher: Lunch? What lunch? Food is a myth...


Dying Teacher!?

Teacher begins coughing violently.

Student: Mr. _____'s dying!

Teacher abruptly stops talking and turns to student with angry glare.

In a stern voice:
Teacher: I'm not dying.

A Love of Sandwiches

Boy: Did you just kiss a sandwich?

Girl: It's chicken salad!

Awkward Class Discussion...

Teacher: Didn't you guys hear about that? There was a girl from Oregon in the news who was riding her bike around naked in public. Many people were questioning whether that was obscene or not...

Student: Wasn't she... cold?

Homecoming Votes...

Teacher: Ok- so you're gonna vote for a Homecoming Queen...

(places all Homecoming girls pictures on wall)

...and for a Homecoming Dork.

(places all Homecoming boys pictures on wall)

Presidential Mathematics

Teacher: As you can see, this diagram is just like our presidential elections--it's totally confusing.


Student who participates a lot in class already raises hand eagerly to answer another question.

Teacher: Dang __________, you're like butta today....
on a roll.

Sing along song.

Teacher: Today I was singing all of first and second period.

Students (in third period): ...?

Teacher: What? It's a good way to teach the Declaration of Independence!


Teacher 1 comes into classroom with box of donuts, offers them to Teacher 2.

Teacher 2: No, no, no donuts are bad. Look at what they've done to me.

Student: What?? Donuts make you bald?!?!

Beautiful witches

English class reading Macbeth...

Teacher: Now, these witches are really really ugly. You have to understand that. They have warts, facial hair... dirty nails- they're just real ugly.

(Student raises his hand)

Student: But... SOME witches can be pretty.

(whole class pauses)

Teacher: Ugh... they CAN... ugh...but these AREN'T.

Colorful Conversation.

Girl 1: You like guys?! I knew it, I just knew it!
Girl 2: *In an Arabic accent* I always like the guys.
Girl 1: Let's hope so.

Italian Elephants

Teacher discussing Renaissance Art

Teacher: What is the first thing you think when you see the title of "Arnolfini and his Bride?"

All Students: They're getting married?

Teacher: Yes, but what does the name "Arnolfini" sound like?

A Student: An elephant?

Teacher: No...Italian...

Student: Ooooo. -blushes-

I am Virile

The teacher is giving the definitions for the weekly vocab.

Teacher: Virile. They have many pictures throughout some dictionaries. Next to the word "virile" is a picture of me.

Students blankly stare.

Teacher: "Virile" means manly.

All the students start cracking up.

Teacher: I see no humor in that.

So cold, it burned.

Girl #1: (singing)  Yo quiero bailar, yo quiero cantar ....

Girl #2: Start psychoanalyzing my writing already!

Girl #1: I thought you didn't believe in that stuff.

Girl #2: It's because I want you to stop singing.

Girl #3 & Boy: OOOOOOOOO

Girl #1: That was cold.

Girl #3: So cold it burned!

Carpe Diem

Teacher: Who can explain to me what Carpe Diem means?

Student 1: Sharpe what?

Student 2: Your face is what?

Student 1: What about my butt?

Student 2: Who's Carpe?

Knowledge in AP Art History

Boy: What's a wet fresco?

Teacher: A wet fresco looks like a wall that's not dry

Boy: You mean like drywall?

Odd Attraction....

History Teacher: So can anyone tell me why we keep hearing about the Magna Carta? What's the significance? What's so great about it?

Student: Because its sexy.


Chris Who?

Teacher: "So what did you guys do over the weekend?"

Student: "I hung out with Chris Brown."

Class: "No way!"

Teacher: "Who's Chris Brown?"


Art Teacher: Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta are the new set of complimentary colors.

Boy: I'm gonna name my daughter Cyan.


After a video

Teacher: Wasn't that video enlightening?

Students: -silence-

Teacher: Okay...well, why don't we turn on the lights, now?

Lights turn on

Student: Now that was "enlightening."

Road trip

Teacher: Okay, you guys. We need to learn how to make graphs correctly. This is a graph of a trip over time, and it's measured in 10 km per hour. Every graph needs a title. What should it be?

Student: Harold and Kumar's Summer Road Trip.


Teacher: Change, Obama says...I think the only thing he can change is his underwear.

And I hope he does that.

Zealous Student

Teacher: "What does the word anteayer mean? Anyone?"

Girl: "Yesterday! It means yesterday! YESTERDAY YESTERDAY!!!"

Teacher: "Good, you're technically right. I think you mean the day BEFORE yesterday."

Class laughs

Girl: flushes "Yeah."


A random picture of braces and elastic bands shows up on the class power point.

Student: You have such a sick sense of humor.

Teacher: You'd think it would be X-rated or something.

Illegal things...

Class is having discussion about having driver's licenses in different states...

Teacher: You can't use your California license when you live... let's New York. After 30 days, you need to go to the DMV and change it.

Student: Well, what if you're like... a college student? Do you still have to change it?

Teacher: No. You can't have a license from California if your residence has formally changed to somewhere else.

Student: No, my uncle lives in New Jersey... and--
(interrupted by class groans)

Teacher: Hey- I'm not saying you CAN'T do ILLEGAL THINGS, but you know...

What's the Plural of Slang?

In a science class...

Teacher (asking a random question): What is the plural of ya'all?

Boy: Ya'alls? -doesn't realize what he is saying-

Teacher: Nope. All ya'all!

Boy: I don't get it...

Spanish Ballet

Student 1: I should learn how to do ballet like you.

Student 2: Oh my gosh yeah! I'll help you.

Student 1: Yeah! Klie!

Student 2: Haha what?

Student 1: Its what people in ballet say.

Student 2: Hahaha you mean plie?

Student 1: Yeah same thing, its all Spanish.

Tricky Poems

Boy 1: Dude, I had to read a poem in Spanish today.

Boy 2: Aw man that sucks!

Boy 1: I know! I was like, I can't even understand a poem in English, how am I supposed to understand one in another language.

Deep insights...

(while looking at a picture in a text book)

Student 1: (points at painting within picture) Look! It's a picture... in a picture.
Student 2: *shiver* That was deep.

Hair Clip

Student messenger enters classroom. Gives note to teacher.

Teacher: [Kyle] your mommy left your hair clip in the office.

Gives [Kyle] note.

[Kyle]: It's my parking permit!

Aloha Dance

Boy#1 How was the dance on Friday?

Boy#2 Pretty good except my feet hurt.

Too Hot

Student enters stuffy classroom after lunch.

Girl: Ohhh... it's so hot in here!

Boy: I'm sorry - do you want me to leave?

How they name spiders

A big spider with red dots sits on a web in front of Mr. Uribe's room. Everyone looks at it.

Uribe: Since I don't think anyone has ever seen this spider before, I'm hoping they'll let me name it after myself.

Student: But then people will be like, "Ewwwww! It's a Uribe!!"