Nervous "Senior"

Boy 1 to Boy 2: "So what does it feel like to be a freshman on the first day school?"
Boy 2: "What are you talking about? I'm a senior. "
Boy 1: -rolls eyes- "Yeah sure."
Boy 2: "I'm serious."
The 2 minute bell rings
Boy 2: "OH NO! Was that the late bell?! I'm going to be so late!" (starts to run)
Boy 1: "Some senior."


Person 1 plays with Person 2's camera.

Person 1: I'm going to take a picture.
Person 2: Okay.
Person 1: -squints into viewfinder- Hey. It's all blurry!
Person 2: Hm. -adjusts lens- It looks fine.
Person 1: -squints- It's STILL blurry.
Person 2: Really?
Person 1: -looks about camera looking for a flaw-

"Oh. I just don't have my contacts on."